About Makjus Holdings

Makjus Holdings offers Security, Construction as well as Transport and Logistics Services. The concept of our company was assembled by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals, with the purpose of offering affordable construction and transport services as well as combating the ever rising crime in the country. The management team of Makjus Holdings has extensive knowledge, expertise and experience in the Security, Construction and Logistics industries. On the Security front we offer a variety of highly specialised security services that include VIP protection, experienced armed guards, corporate and residential security as well as premier personal security. Our Construction Services include but are not limited to, building constructio, ceiling, tiling, plumbing and painting. The Transport and logistics division specialises in the transportation of the following goods: textile products, steel, farm products, machinery, dangerous goods, oil, electronic equipment and mining equipment.

Mission Statement

It is our combined mission to participate in the main stream of economic advancement in our economy. It is our goal to empower others. This mission is achieved through our dedication to skills transfer and job creation. It is our mission to provide our communities with a safe and motivating work environment. All of our services are standardised and approved, ensuring the highest standard of service excellence. Our business philosophy is one of community growth and development. We will always fully participate in the main stream of economic advancement for our communities. Makjus Holdings team will effectively empower others through skill transfers and job creation.

Goals and Objectives

Our overall goal is to provide a safe living environment and help eliminate the fear of crime. We strive to create security awareness as well as a multitude of jobs and recruit specially trained and highly experienced security personnel.

BEE Status

Makjus Holdings better understands the acronym of BEE. We continue with our dedicated procurement policy and support the ASGISA programme, contributing to community growth and development. We strive to assist broad base disadvantaged individuals. Our BEE score rating currently stands at Level 4 and we continue to give back to our community at large.

feel free to contact us

086 000 0502
011 888 7217
086 563 3000
072 392 6034